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Clinical Trails

Men’s Health Boston offers patients access to investigational therapies through our clinical research program. Quality clinical trials advance medicine, and we greatly appreciate our patients who participate in these studies.

Who can participate in our studies?

Both established patients and new patients may wish to enroll in clinical studies at MHB. Participation is entirely voluntary and you do not have to be in a study to receive medical care at MHB. If you are interested in participating in, or learning additional information about one of the studies below, please contact us.

Conditions we frequently study include:

  • Enlarged prostate (BPH)
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Premature ejacullation (PE)
  • Low testosterone
  • Sexual health issues
  • Peyronie’s disease (Curvature of penis)

Research Enrollment

Are you interested in participating in a study?
Would you like to learn more about our medical research studies?
If so, please submit your contact information.
Alternatively, call 617.277.5000 ex. 116, or email

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