Should I Try Sonic Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction?
Posted by: Men's Health Boston in Sexual Dysfunction on September 23, 2021

Do you have a hard time getting an erection? Maintaining an erection? Is your erection softer or less firm than you’d like? If so, you likely have erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction or ED can take a toll on your life, making you feel embarrassed, have low self-esteem, anxiety, and frustration. It may feel like you have little control over your body and how it functions.
Recognizing ED for what it is and deciding to seek treatment can be very stressful and emotional for you. The good news is that there are treatment options like low-intensity sonic wave therapy (SWT) for erectile dysfunction. Keep reading to learn more!
Traditional Erectile Dysfunction Treatments
Some commonly used treatment options to treat erectile dysfunction include oral medications like Viagra (sildenafil), medications injected directly into the penis, or penile implants. Many patients have great success with these treatment options.
However, your doctor may want you to seek emotional therapy first, in case it’s depression-related. Erectile dysfunction can sometimes occur as a side effect of antidepressant medication.
Your doctor may also want to perform a physical exam on you that includes blood work to check for any underlying medical conditions. You may need to change some of your current medications that could be causing ED.
High blood pressure medication can interfere with erectile function, making you unable to get or maintain an erection. You’ll have to discuss what medications and supplements you are currently taking with your doctor.
Low testosterone may also be the cause of ED, so check with your doctor to see if hormonal evaluation may be indicated, and if testosterone therapy (see blog on low testosterone) is right for you.
Be prepared for a complete physical to check for any underlying health concerns. Let your doctor know if you’ve had an injury to your groin area or if you’ve injured your penis.
But if you have already ruled out depression, medical conditions, and medication side effects, and/or if you are uneasy about taking oral medications for erectile dysfunction or having surgery, another option is available.
Sonic Wave Therapy
Low-intensity sonic wave therapy (SWT) is a non-invasive, safe, comfortable, and proven treatment for erectile dysfunction. It uses high-frequency, low-intensity sound waves to improve blood flow to the penis. Having improved blood flow makes it easier to maintain an erection, effectively reversing the effects of ED.
The sound waves repair aged or abnormal blood vessels while stimulating the growth of new blood vessels and help to facilitate the removal of micro-plaque. Sonic wave therapy has been used in other areas to treat bone fractures, wounds, and torn tendons and ligaments for many years.
Due to its continued success, it is now being used to treat patients with erectile dysfunction. At Men’s Health Boston, we use a unique SWT protocol designed by our highly experienced staff.
With our expertise and experience at MHB, we have optimized SWT for efficacy, safety, and the best possible results. Sonic wave therapy is a non-invasive procedure that’s painless, quick, and doesn’t require any medications before or after. At MHB, a vast majority of our SWT patients have seen dramatically positive results!
Each treatment takes about 15-20 minutes. Some patients start seeing results as soon as after the first treatment. Most patients that try sonic wave therapy begin seeing results within one to three months of beginning treatments.
Because sonic wave therapy repairs the nerve endings as well as the vascular supply in the penis, you’ll experience firmer erections and heightened sexual pleasure while aroused. Since it’s non-invasive, you won’t have to worry about healing or damage occurring due to stitches. Effects from sonic wave therapy can last up to two years.
Want to learn more about sonic wave therapy? Request an appointment at Men’s Health Boston to get the help you need!